Song of Solomon:
O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice; for sweet is thy voice
I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filledwithdew, and my locks
with the drops of the night.
Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken to thy voice: cause me to hear it.
- The Song of Solomon, from The Bible
"The type of sound that is heard by the ears after the second quarter of the night, when all is silent - ch(n)oooooooo,* through the special practice of Kriya by the Grace of Sadguru, when, being filled with inner experience,consciousness is stilled, that kind of an unearthly sound - O(N)OOOOOOOOONG** - is heard. This is the evidence of the stilling of consciousness. When this is sounded within, certain mudras, meaning,indications appear outside. Seeing these, sages recognize each other. These signs are extremely secret. One can become aware of them through Guru.
Without such stilling of consciousness, manifesting Supreme Awareness and the consequent growth of the power of internal knowing, the meaning of the Vedas are not internalized in the heart."
- Swami Sriyukteshvar from His Gita
31. The Yogin being in the Siddhasana (posture) and practising the Vaishnavi-Mudra, should always hear the internal sound through the right ear.
32. The sound which he thus practises makes him deaf to all external sounds. Having overcome all obstacles, he enters the Turya state within fifteen days.
41. Having abandoned all thoughts and being freed from all actions, he should always concentrate his attention on the sound and (then) his Chitta becomes absorbed in it.
42-43(a). Just as the bee drinking the honey (alone) does not care for the odour, so the Chitta which is always absorbed in sound, does not long for sensual objects, as it is bound by the sweet smell of Nada and has abandoned its flitting nature.
43(b)-44(a). The serpent Chitta through listening to the Nada is entirely absorbed in it and becoming unconscious of everythingconcentratesitself on the sound.
47(b)-48(a). The sound existstill there is the Akasic conception (Akasa-Sankalpa). Beyond this, is the (Asabda) soundless Para-Brahman which is Paramatman.
48(b). The mind exists so long as there is sound, but with its (sound’s cessation) there is the state called Unmani of Manas (viz., the state of being above the mind).
49(a). This sound is absorbed in the Akshara (indestructible) and the soundless state is the supreme seat.
-Nada Bindu UpanishadTRabslated by K. Narayanasrami Aiyar
"Sri Krishna would play most melodious tunes on his flute. The Gopis (milkmaids of Vrindavan) were captivated by the sweet melody of Krishna's flute, unable to control their feelings towards Him. Forgetting their household duties, their children and husbands, these youthful lovers of Sri Krishna rushed to forest to have the company of their beloved. [This is known as relationship of a devotee with the attitude where the Lord is 'sweetheart'; Madhur Bhava as it is called.] Their heart and mind was occupied with the virtues of the Lord of the Universe, Paramatman Krishna. Praising the beauty and love of Sri Krishna, the Gopis were immersed in His Bhakti in its highest manifestation - para bhakti - where union of Atman with Paramatman was the goal sought. Body, mind, and thoughts vanished even while in body; transcendental joy and bliss was all that mattered. What to talk of Gopis and Radha (best amongst the Gopis), even the trees and shrubs, flowers and leaves, birds and animals all surrendered themselves to the sweet music of captivating flute. "
- Vaishvana Scripture
Hark! The sounds of conches and bells are rising.
Kabir says: “O brother, behold! The Lord is in this vessel of my body.”
- Kabir, Songs of Kabir (Rabindranath Tagore)
Do you know how the moments perform their adoration? Waving its row of lamps, the universe sings in worship day and night, There are the hidden banner and the secret canopy: There the sound of the unseen bells is head
- Kabir, Songs of Kabir (Rabindranath Tagore)