Kriya History

"Via the lotus-stem-thread of the mouth, relinquish breath - meaning: make it Still; in this way - via the sushumna path, it becomes Still like this spontaneously. This is the indication of 'kumbhak' - meaning: vayu moves in Stillness via the sushumna; that is the state of kumbhak."
"Sreshtha uttamanga [the greatest and principal part of the body] (mouth)* brahmin" - when there is samadhi; the abode of all happiness is "swarga" [heaven]; when one performs Kriya, one is a "brahmin"; from that Mouth - Lord (Purushottama).**
[*and**Translator's note: The parentheses and the text within them are in the original.]
[*and**Translator's note: The parentheses and the text within them are in the original.]
Points of Kriya as given by Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya from His introduction to the Gita:
- Pranayam;
- seeing Yonimudra in the Eye;
- tongue going to the head;
- staying in the Bindu and listening to the Sound;
- keeping the star from the throat to the forehead
Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta
(Original Title: Kriya Yoga and Swami Sriyukteshvar)
This book is a rare gem. Written and originally appearing at the end of the author's illustrious life, it is one of the few books available today in which the accurate information on Kriya Yoga is given, historical and otherwise, and written by a man who was part of that sacred tradition during its very crucial years and who had personally known several of the authorized disciples of the Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya (including of course his own beloved Master, the illustrious Swamiji Maharaj, Sriyukteshvar Giri, by whom he was initiated in year 1929 at age nineteen and with whom he remained in close association).
Kriya Yoga is a system of physical and mental discipline towards attainment of Yoga as defined in the Yoga Shastras. The system taught by Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri and down through his illustrious disciples is commonly termed Kriya. The technique and discipline taught are in conformity with the basic conceptions laid down in the Gita, Patanjal, Yoga and Tantra Shastras and the Manu Smriti; and designed in the pattern of movements of heavenly bodies that cause appearance of the Yugas and their virtues.
The book also discusses similarities that can be traced in the teachings of Jesus Christ contained in selected expressions in the Holy Bible and the basic conceptions of the Hindu spiritual practices and scriptures.
Essentially Kriya Yoga is a universally applicable spiritual system without any inhibition with regard to faiths and nationalities, and directed towards development of the complete man-in body, mind and in the unfoldment of the inner Spirit.
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Swami Satyananda Giri
Excerpts from Acharya Sanglap (Conversations with Swami Satyananda Giri (recorded by Sri A.K. Sarkar)
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Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Correspondence between Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya And His Disciples
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Sri Sailendra Bejoy Dasgupta
(The excerpt of Chapter 5 from his book Kriya Yoga)
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