"There is a certain kind of Revelatory Light in the par avastha of Kriya, where there is neither day nor night -- it is in that Light where the heart goes completely;being imbued with that Essence one is like a thoroughly inebriated drunkard, having turned the heart from all other directions and being enraptured by That Substance;
thus, all of the desire to stay in That -neither is that [desire] there, nor is the desire to not stay [in That] there-- mounted on top of the head and sitting there, as if: who knows who is sitting there -- sitting there like this - these three gunas - meaning, ida, pingala, sushumna - are not actually operating - meaning, in the subtle form in the Brahman Nadi, these gunas are in this kind of oneness in the par avastha. One who knows this - it is he who goes to My Essence -- meaning, however much it is possible, the par avastha of Kriya is being described (which is transmitted via the teaching of Guru -- the sign of "ru" is Total Stillness)"
"In the paravastha----advanced stage of yoga there are no waves in the brain, and in the more advanced stage men becomes intoxicated like a drunk without any ambition or any wish----this is the effect of spiritual happiness"
"Like a drunkard, no analyzing of any thing in the world remains in the par avastha of Kriya."