(21) “Utpalnal” - meaning the passage/tube that rises from the root - meaning Muladhar - rising in this - meaning “nal” - like the way that water is drawn up in a tube, like in the stem of a flower - in that way, knowing it through the teaching of Guru, one must perform the out-breath in motionlessness while having magnetically  drawn vayu; upon drawing vayu in that way again - one who does it in this way 21,728 times attains samadhi. It is he that abides in the Stillness of that state.
ardhamatram rajjum kritva, kupabhutantu pankajam karshayennalamargena, bhruvormadhye nayellayam -
(22) Making vayu like a rope from the throat to the eyebrows - “kua” [well] - meaning throat, heart, navel, lingamula, Muladhar - all the lotuses that are there in these five elements - draw vayu through the roadway of this tube, bring it into the middle of the eyebrows - meaning: into the Ajna chakra and merge there.
bhruvormadhye lalatastu, nasikayantu mulatah amritasthanam vijaniyadvishvasyayatanam mahat vishvasyayatanam mahaditi
(23) In the middle of the eyebrows, at the root of the nasal passage, is the abode of Nectar; if one abides there - the One Who resides there - it is He that is Eternal; He is Omnipresent; thus Supreme.Thus ends Dhyanabindu.
- Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya's commentary from Krishna-Yajurvediya-Dyanabindu Upanishad, The Scriptural Commentaries of Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya Volume 1, Yoga Niketan
(6) “tarka” [enquiring and concluding] is in the Yoni - taking vayu in Tranquility to the middle of the eyebrows and discerning in the Lord in the head is called “tarka.”
-Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya's commentary from Krishna-Yajurvediya-Dyanabindu Upanishad, The Scriptural Commentaries of Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya Volume 1, Yoga Niketan