“The Holy Babaji Maharaj has been an enigma. The worshipful Guru of Shri Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya, he was the fountain source of dissemination of the system of Kriya Yoga to the world in modern times. He was not known by any name, and perhaps appropriately. He remains for ever the most revered original Guru of the Kriya Yogis. In a hymn composed by Acharya Swami Satyananda Giri Maharaj the Babaji had been mentioned as Mahamuni Babaji, the great sage. Considering the concepts cherished by Kriya Yogis this was perhaps very fittingly applied. The author chose to maintain this epithet in attempting to write something about this Holy of the holies. Swami Sri Yukteshvar who had the great fortune of having met the mysterious saint at least twice used to mention that the very name Babaji was so holy that when his name was uttered even once his entire being would appear to have been totally purified. To the Yogiraj and his advanced disciples the Babaji was much more than the God. It pains a worshipful heart when it is perceived in the present days that even much humbler individuals are making a bee line at Ranikhet and some even claim to have had received benedictions from this superman. Gullibility of men knows no limit.”